Definition of all the terms in development.
Date 17-01-2023
The world of web development is constantly evolving, and front-end and back-end are essential parts of this evaluation. A front-end developer is responsible for creating the visual and interactive elements of a website or application that the user interacts with. From layout and design to the overall look and feel, a front-end developer plays a crucial role in creating a positive user experience.
The main tools that front-end developers use are HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT. HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) is used to create the structure of the web page, CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) is used to control the presentation and styling of the page, and JAVASCRIPT is used to add interactivity and dynamic functionality to the page.
A back-end developer is responsible for building and maintaining that process data and acting on a website and controlling everything you can see on the website. Back-end developers are involved in data storage, security and other server-side function that you cannot see.
The main tools that back-end developer use are
Programming languages: Python. PHP. JavaScript. Ruby. Java. C#
Frameworks: Laravel. Django. Spring. Ruby on Rails. Meteor. Node. js.
Databases: MongoDB. MySQL. Oracle.
Servers: Apache. NGINX. Lighttpd. Microsoft IIS