CSS Transition Property

What is Transition?

In CSS transition property refer to smoothness of element. How smooth the element is by applying transition property. There are some main transition property is transition duration, transition delay, and transition timing function.

Transition property - this function uses and gives the name of the transition that will we use in CSS . another way to give transition property for the whole element is by using 'all'.

Transition duration- It is nothing but What time transition performs. By giving a perfect duration CSS element is very smooth and interactive to the user.

Transition delay- transition delay property is used to How time delay to start a property. in simple language what time take to start this transition property? this property is also more interactive for the users

Transition timing function-transition timing function are catagaries into four type

  1. ease.

  2. ease-in.

  3. ease-out.

  4. ease-in-out

ease- it is timing fuction which perform the transition in linear manner.

ease-in- it is property of timing function which execute in start with slow and end with fast in way.

ease-out- it is the property to perform the transition start with fast and end with the slowoly.

ease-in-out- it is prperty of transiton which act both the tarnsition property ease-in and ease-out . in this property the transition start and end with slow.in the mid slitly fast.