Date 18-01-2023
this is the 3rd day of my web development journey
in 3rd of web development journey, I will share the definition of a front-end tool the main tool of front-end development is HTML which stands for Hypertext Markup Language As the full Suggests this is not a programing language just a Markup language
HTML is basically used to create the design of the web page and layout of the web page
In another word, I can say HTML is the skeleton of the web page. all the website is made with help of HTML
it is released in 1993,30 year ago, and the latest release was in 2022
it is developed by WHATWG(Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) The WHATWG was founded by individuals from Apple Inc. the Mozilla Foundation and Opera Software, leading Web browser vendors, in 2004.
HTML can embed programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript, which affects the behavior and content of web pages.
The extension of the HTML is (.html), opens in formatting and easy to learn and gives Accessibility and SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and also provides compatibility. The essential building block of the web is widely used. and it is versatile in nature.
Also, HTML is to different cntexts such as web apps, Email, Mobile apps