Difference Between HTML and HTML5
HTML and HTML5 both are used to create the skeleton of the web page HTML is the old version HTML5 is the latest version.
in HTML the are no user interaction and there is no set format fr example if an employee writes some of the code with the old version of HTML and a new employee read the same code they face more problem.
in HTML5 there are some new features are added they make the website more user interactive.
in HTML5 the addition of semantics tags and media tags gives a new look to the web page.
The audio tags are used to give the audio of the website. in feature in the modern world make a musical website for example Spotify jio savan and gana etc.
The video tags are used to give the video of the website. the video tags using the making of portfolio website, collage website and event-related website etc.
The semantics tags make the code easier for others. if a code is written with help of semantics tags then it is very easy to learn this code and understand it very fast.
using semantics tags they define the website header using <header> tags, in the header tags we use the navbar with <nav> tags, and also define the main body and footer with help of <main> tags and <footer> tags respectivility. in main also use section <section> tags they divide the main into sections wise, in the section they define <detail> tags, in details tags, they define the <summary> tags.
That process used to make a website there is no effect on the website but the code is easy to learn and understands fastly